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Dating Outfit

In today's world it is very important to create a best impression of oneself whether it is for dating or for any general occasions, because the first impression is going to be everlasting. Most of the time we are judged by the first impression given by us. So it becomes inevitable to look and dress the best when we are out for a dating. It is not necessary that on a dating you should go in for brand labels or the accessories the celebrities wear. All you need is to wear something which suits you the best and which makes you feel comfortable. Above all these, to deck up your personality, it is must of self confidence and self awareness in you which portrays you as yourself. Thus more than dressing yourself with the latest trends, it is wise to groom with the appropriate attire that suits you the best.

First, after confirming the place of where the first meeting is going to be held you can decide on the clothes. If the dating is going to happen in a slightly formal place then a long-sleeved collared shirt is preferable with jeans or trousers for men. A skirt or a trouser with a nice top along with simple accessories should be fine with women. Otherwise for both men and women jeans or trousers and a casual skirt or dress should be fine. One should also be aware of the colours which suits them the best. This can be done by the colour analysis tests which find out the colour which is compatible with our complexion. It is also a must to choose the colour based on which part of the day is dating going to happen. For both the sexes fashion should be accompanied by some glamour and accessories like killer shoes or a handbag. It is good that you try your outfit in public before you go on the date to see the comments. Decide on your clothes and accessories much before the date fixed for the last minute selection of outfits and accessories will end up in a mess leaving you stressed.


Simple make-up expresses a better facial than trying to hide your flaws with heavy make up and bright lipstick or blush. It is also important to go easy on the clothing accessories and jewelry. Over-dressing is as bad as under-dressing, if not worse. Mostly men do not overdress when compared to women for they overdo with clothes, accessories and makeup. Nice earrings, a handsome watch, or tasteful necklace can help emphasize a person’s beauty and style, but when this exceeds with gaudy accessories which might fail to reveal your natural beauty. When it comes to a women your dress is going to be glitzy then go in for a simple pair of earrings and maybe a bracelet/bangle. Most of the men get turned off when they see the women with a heavy makeup. The makeups like foundation, pancake, lipstick and eye shadows should be kept simple. It is good to stay away from a loose or a tight fit and have clean, nicely manicured hands, well-groomed facial hair, and a clean haircut. Similarly when it comes to cologne or perfume, don’t drench yourself too much in it. Be confident and comfortable in the way that you look and you will be beautiful and sexy.


Dressing should not be either too conservative or very revealing for it will pass across a wrong messaage.Do not dress too covered for as it is said, hidden beauty is not beauty. Wear clothes and make-up that correctly reflect your mood and personality. Coming to footwear for men, a loafer or sneakers would be fine when you are in your jeans. For a trouser loafers or dressier shoes is apt. Leather ones look especially good with light-colored cotton or linen trousers. For women with shorter legs, sandals will make them look short and stout. The same applies to wrap-around sandal-laces. Short women always look good with a slight kitten heel. Whereas for a tall women anything goes well with her height. As for the occasions, save the bejeweled sandals for a night out on the town. With all this clothes and accessories you should maintain a good posture failing which will make you look sloppy. Stand up straight with your shoulders back, tummy and butt tucked in which will make you look taller, slimmer and more confident. Thus dating requires time and adequate attention just to get the impression you want for it is going to send the right message about who you are.